First Sunday of Advent 2005
here to read an account of this Mass
At the ring of a bell, the people stand and the priest
enters, preceded by the servers.
Dominus vobiscum ("The Lord be with you")
Fr. John Arthur Orr reads the Epistle and Gospel in
English at the ambo
(having previously read them in Latin at the altar).
Altar boys Michael Hendershott and Kenny Jacobs
Fr. Orr delivers the homily.
Altar boys waiting for the priest's washing of the hands
The washing of the hands
The Body of Christ is elevated for adoration by the
The Precious Blood is elevated for adoration by the
The Ecce Agnus Dei ("Behold the Lamb of God")
Fr. Orr and Fr. John Dowling distribute Holy Communion to
the people
kneeling for reception on the tongue (as is customary at a
traditional Latin Mass).
Fr. Orr says "May the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ
preserve thy
soul unto life everlasting. Amen" (in Latin) before
each communicant.
Fr. Orr gives the final blessing.
The people, priest, and servers kneel to say the final
prayers after the Last Gospel.
The recessional
All photos herein are by Roy
Ehman, Our
Lady of Fatima, Alcoa, Tennessee who retains the copyright.